

Major Taylor Cycling Club of Louisiana (MTCCLA) is a group focused and committed to enhancing individuals, social networking, and the community-at-large. Our foremost vision is to improve the mental and physical existence of those directly and indirectly involved in our mission.

1.) Enhancing personal and social Accountability and Motivation.
2.) Increasing Social networks by being a medium for Meeting New, Like-Minded Individuals.
3.) Becoming adept in the landscape and culture of the beautiful Louisiana area by Learning New Routes.
4.) Engaging in economically intelligent practices by getting Discounts on Cycling Gear.
5.) Developing and attaining your personal goals by mastering different levels beginning with Pacing and Improvement. MTCCLA has a space for every cyclist regardless of skill level.
With A+, A, B, and C group!
6.) Yearly Social Engagements to reflect on our the community service work in honor of Major Taylor.
7.) Engaging in safety and training to keep the club and community safe by having Monthly Bike Safety and Basic Cycling Maintenance Classes.
8.) Improving health via Yearly Health and Wellness Seminar.
9.) Strengthening daily life and promoting positive lifestyles via Professional Fitness Advice.
10.) Promoting positive social networking opportunities with Weekly Scheduled Rides in All Areas For All
Skill Levels.
11.) Growing in positivity and collectivism by Giving Back To the Community Through Cycling In Honor of Major Taylor.

Join Today!

From $50.00 / year

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Membership Level

Adults-$50, Families-$75


Male, Female, Prefer Not to Say

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